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Cheatsheet : cheatsheet


Deploy the machine!

Answer No Answer needed

What networking constructs are used to direct traffic to the right application on a server?

Answer Ports

How many of these are available on any networ-enabled computer?

Answer 65535

[Research] How many of these are considered "wel-known"? (These are the "standard" numbers mentioned in the task)

Answer 1024

Nmap Switches

What is the first switch listed in the help menu for a 'Syn Scan' (more on this later!)?

Answer -sS

Which switch would you use for a "UDP scan"?

Answer -sU

If you wanted to detect which operating system the target is running on, which switch would you use?

Answer -O

Nmap provides a switch to detect the version of the services running on the target. What is this switch?

Answer -sV

The default output provided by nmap often does not provide enough information for a pentester. How would you increase the verbosity?

Answer -v

Verbosity level one is good, but verbosity level two is better! How would you set the verbosity level to two?

Answer -vv

What switch would you use to save the nmap results in three major formats?

Answer -oA

What switch would you use to save the nmap results in a "normal" format?

Answer -oN

A very useful output format: how would you save results in a "grepable" format?

Answer -oG

How would you activate this setting?

Answer -A

How would you set the timing template to level 5?

Answer -T5

How would you tell nmap to only scan port 80?

Answer -p 80

How would you tell nmap to scan ports 100-1500?

Answer -p 100-1500

How would you tell nmap to scan all ports?

Answer --

How would you activate a script from the nmap scripting library (lots more on this later!)?

Answer -script

How would you activate all of the scripts in the "vuln" category?

Answer -script=vuln

[Scan Types] Overview

Answer No Answer needed

[Scan Types] TCP Connect Scans

Which RFC defines the appropriate behaviour for the TCP protocol?

Answer RFC 793

If a port is closed, which flag should the server send back to indicate this?

Answer RST